In this lesson, students explore a model of genetic drift in populations of varying sizes. The lesson uses the model to help students to understand the ramifications of population size and isolation on alleles in populations.
Learning Objectives:
Describe how genetic drift influences the diversity (polymorphism) of alleles in a population
Investigate the consequences of very small or very large populations for allele diversity.
Compare the effects of genetic drift in isolated populations
Apply these ideas to real-world populations of animals (including dog breeds and certain human ethnic groups)
Lesson Material:​
Tempe, Arizona

Shaffer, Z., Sasaki, T., Pratt, S. 2013 Animal Behaviour. ‘Linear recruitment leads to allocation and flexibility in collective foraging by ants’.
Sasaki, T., Janssen, MA., Shaffer, Z., Pratt, SC 2016 Current Zoology ‘Exploration of unpredictable environments by networked groups’
Sasaki, T., Penick, C., Shaffer, Z., Haight, K., Pratt, S., Leibig, J., 2016 American Naturalist. ‘A simple and general model of dominance hierarchy formation’.
*Covered by Discovery Magazine
Shaffer, Z, Sasaki, T., Haney, B., Janssen, M., Pratt, S., Fewell, J. 2016 Scientific Reports ‘The Foundress’s dilemma: group selection for cooperation among queens of the ant, Pogonomyrmex californicus’
*Popular science summary article in This View of Life 'Cooperation Trumps Selfishness in the Foundress's Dilemma'
Ostwald, M., Shaffer, Z., Pratt, S., Fewell, J. September 2019 Animal Behaviour, ‘Multimodal cues facilitate nest recognition in carpenter bee aggregations’
Valentini, G., Masuda, N., Shaffer, Z., Hanson, J., Sasaki, T., Walker, S.I., Pavlic, T.,Pratt, S. 2020 Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. ‘Division of labor promotes the spread of information in colony emigrations by the ant Temnothorax rugatulus.’
*Covered by ASU Now
Ostwald, M., Lyman, B., Shaffer, Z., Fewell, J. 2020 Insect Sociaux. ‘Temporal and spatial dynamics of carpenter bee sociality revealed by CT imaging’.
*YouTube video
Ostwald, M., Dahan, R.A., Shaffer, Z., Fewell, J. 2021 Frontiers. 'Fluid membership drives variable relatedness in groups of a facultatively social bee'.
Shaffer, Z., Dreyer, S., Clarke, R.M., Pratt, S.C., Fewell, J. 2022 Frontiers. 'Efficient allocation of labor maximizes brood development and explains why intermediate-sized groups perform best during colony-founding in the ant, Pogonomyrmex californicus'.
Ostwald, M., Fox, T.P., Hillery, W.S., Shaffer, Z., Harrison, J.F., Fewell, J. 2022 Animal Behaviour. 'Group-living carpenter bees conserve heat and body mass better than solitary individuals in winter'.
A love for science and teaching is at the heart of my career with teaching experience ranging from elementary school to the university level.